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In between Chance and Inevitability
Ki-Woong Park (Art Critic, Ph.D. in Art & Design)

Since several years ago, the artist has exercised the abstract paintings with using the various materiality of Korean papers (hanji) and the effect of spreading, contrast, space, harmony, delicate stream, and speckles of blue color. The experiment comes from the stream line of Korean ink as the base material of Korean traditional painting. Recently, as the result of long term practice after to get the effect of blue color exercise, Noh’s better art pieces are created. Different from the western style abstract expressionism art works, which were expressing the powerful male energy in term of the after World War II, the <Blue Fantasia> series are able to be called the creation of delicate dramatic fantasy coming out in the 21st Century Korea. In her works the mysterious illusions, which are as similar as the mysterious landscape but are slightly different from hide & seek painting, are appearing as same as the up-coming of fantastic drama. Focusing on the delicate blue management which is appearing in-between intension and non-intension like the possibility of infinite birth of permutation of combination, the artist’s main goal of creation is decided to create new art works.


Recently, in the east and west painting fields, the blue color artists are known Eve Klein (French), Whan-ki Kim (Korean) Chun-Soo Kim (Korean) and others, as the stream line of the blue color the Noh’s Blue painting has shown more distinctly different aesthetical method from to show new Blue feeling. Differ from the western oil painting’s skill (to take out the colors from outer surface of canvas because the colors are just attached on the painting surface), the method of oriental painting is based on the skill that the colors comes out smoothly. (Because the colors are moisture and dried so they are deeply contained inside of the layers of papers.) Further, with this moisture effect, the surface of <Blue Fantasia> series become the condition that hanji is changed itself in the perfect plain as the color and papers are becoming as one body as the materiality of hanji and blue color combination, and finally the more pure abstractness are remaining. Further, one more specific point of <Blue Fantasia> series is to show female sexuality in the effect of spreading and flowing of liquid pigments. In certain aspect, to say its effect as the word sexuality is not fit but to use the vocabularies of “fantastic world from chance and inevitability practice of creation”. As is not the expression from telescope cosmos but is from microscope cosmos. Therefore, in case of <Blue Fantasia> series, it is much better to explain that the arts are the abstract paintings to use the micro image expression of the cells of animal or plant or amoebas.


To introduce several secrets of the method; firstly, focusing on the instant of confronting the paper and the artist use the folding of hanji and established ground, the artist uses the combination effect of water and pigments. Here, the artist uses various pigments hobun (powder of seashells) and several traditional oriental pigments (Korean ink and glue) to create the drama of colors. And with artificially controlling of water, the artist makes spray spots. Secondly, in the process, pigment plowing & spreading skills are unfolded on the ready folded hanji and heterogeneous ground (incase, material such as vinyl or clothes) to originate new effect. Thirdly, to use additional western pigment acrylic colors, she creates more different effects; and the procedure meets the layers of combination of various hanji; and finally it arises unexpected shade and blue and white harmony. Furthermore, the effect of water and the color of blue come out in-between the layers of attaching additional hanji to originate mysterious illusions which are the great explosive image of the creation of Cosmos, the deep sea level, and micro cosmic valley or mysterious paradise. Further, in the mysterious illusions, we find that there are many images, such as the creations of the cloud through the Chaos world, the Ocean, and the valley of Grand canyons… etc.


Here, after folding hanji intentionally, the important point arises that the art works have multiple or plural visual points (which are different from Cubism skill); those effects become the development of <Blue Fantasia> series’ layer illusion as the new meaningful structure. In the procedure of plural point perspectives, artist Noh creates new plain composition based on the direction of flowing on the heterogeneous ground of vinyl or clothes, and remaining space of after-effects. Finally, the composition of multi spectacle point expression becomes very important to create the dramatic harmony of <Blue Fantasia> series. The reason to display signifiers of soft and hard contrast harmony is to conceal the message for us: let’s have the happy fantasia world of dreaming hope, let’s live with the understanding the truth that all the world has the counterpart such as yin and yang, birth and death, and let’s live peacefully with other persons who are not always have same idea and approve each other and make a harmony.


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